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take-Home di kerjakan di kertas Folio bergaris
dikumpulkan maksimal Hari Sabtu (27 November 2010) pukul 13.00 WIB di ruang asisten, di loker saya (Putri Rahmi). lewat dari jam tersebut, hasil tidak saya terima.
soal yang dikerjakan :
Mq : 1-8, 10
T/F : 1-10
MC : 1-10
essay : 1-6, 8, 10
bila ada kesulitan dalam pengerjaan soal, silahkan tanya ke saya, Via sms, telepon, via inbox Fb (Putri Rahmi) , atau Ym (unyiel_maama).
selamat mengerjakan :-)
Matching Questions
1. The process of dividing total fixed costs by more units of output. Average fixed cost declines as quantity rises.
2. The increasing in total cost that results from producing one more unit of output.
3. Total variable cost divided by the number of units of output.
4. Fixed costs plus variable costs.
5. Graph which shows the relationship between total variable cost and output.
6. Difference between total revenue and total cost
7. The difference between average total cost and average variable cost
8. The curve shows how much revenue the firm will gain by raising output by one unit at each level of output.
9. Short-run supply curve.
10. Fixed costs in the short run because the firm had no choice but to pay them.
A. Average Variabel Cost G. Profit
B. Average Fixed Cost H. Total Cost
C. Marginal Cost I. MR Curve
D. Total Variable Cost Curve J. Variabel Cost
E. Spreading Overhead K. Marginal Cost Curve
F. Total Revenue L. Sunk Cost
True - False
1. To calculate costs, a firm has to know two things: the quantity and combination of inputs needed to produce its products and how much those output cost.
2. At any given level of output, total variable cost depends on (1) the techniques of production that are available and (2) the prices of the inputs required by each technology.
3. Because TFC does not change with output, the graph is simply a straight vertical line.
4. In the long run, a firm has fixed costs.
5. The profit-maximizing perfectly competitive firms will produce up to the point where the marginal revenue is just equals to short run marginal cost, MR = MC.
6. Competitive firms face inelastic demand in short run.
7. Implisit costs are costs actually incurred, or cost which is defined by an accountant.
8. The marginal revenue curve and the demand curve facing a competitive firm aren’t identical
9. Marginal cost is the slope of the total variable cost curve.
10. Total variable cost is the sum of all costs that vary with output in the short run.
Multiple Choices
1. The cost that in the short run, firms cannot avoid them or change them, even if production is zero
a. Fixed cost
b. Variabel cost
c. Sunk cost
d. Marginal cost
2. The curve showing the cost of production using the best available technique at each output level, given current factor prices.
a. Total fixed cost curve
b. Total variabel cost curve
c. Fixed average cost
d. Average variable cost curve
e. Marginal cost curve
3. Costs include the total opportunity cost of all inputs
a. Economic cost
b. Explisit cost
c. Sunk Cost
d. Marginal cost
4. Profit-maximizing level of output for all firms
a. P = MC
b. MC = MR
c. P = AC
d. AC = MC
e. P = AR
5. Profit-maximizing level of output for perfectly competitive firms
a. P = MC
b. MC = MR
c. P = AC
d. AC = MC
e. P = AR
6. If marginal cost is .... average total cost, average total cost will decline toward marginal cost. If marginal cost is .... average total cost, average total cost will increase.
a. Above , below
b. Below, above
c. Constant, constant
d. Increase, decrease
e. Decrease, increase
7. Supposed firm A produce 250 unit in price level $ 5, firm A has $ 850 of total cost. The marginal cost for firm A is
a. $ 1.250
b. $ 400
c. $ 5
d. $ 3.4
e. $ 250
8. If in the short run the total revenue is shortage of fixed cost, then
a. The loss is equal with variabel cost
b. There will come new entry firm
c. The loss is less than fixed cost
d. The firm will exit from industry
e. The loss is equal with fixed cost
9. The difference between average total cost and average fixed cost is
a. Marginal cost
b. Variabel cost
c. Total variable cost
d. Average variabel cost
e. Total fixed cost
10. Marginal cost intersects Average Total Cost at
a. ATC’s minimum point
b. ATC’s maximum point
c. ATC’s will decline
d. ATC’s will above
1. Mention the three specific decisions of a company in the perfect competition industry!
2. Explain conditions that occur when the company is in the short-run term perfect competition?
3. Why the demand curve in a perfectly competitive market is horizontal?
4. Determine the best techniques used by the company at every level of output in order to maximize profits earned? (if Pk = 2 ; PL = 1)

(bila angka pada gambar kurang jelas, klik gambar tersebut )
6. What do you know about the concept : Law of Diminshing Marginal Return? (Explain and draw!)
7. Show mathematically the Average Cost when it reaches its minimum point. (draw!)
8. Complete the table below
9. Explain and draw about the total cost, total variable costs and total fixed costs!
10. The Juice’s Shop has the following data

a. Calculate the average variable cost, average total cost and marginal cost for each number.
b. Describe the three curves. What is the relationship between marginal cost curve and the curve of the average total cost? What is the relationship between marginal cost curve and the curve of the average variable cost? Explain.