Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

mikro-1 Susulan praktikum 1


1. No model can describe reality exactly.
2. Economics is the study of how scarce resources are allocated among alternative uses.
3. Alfred Marshall shows how observed prices can be taken to represent an equilibrium balancing of the production costs incurred by firm and the willingness of demanders to pay for those costs.
4. Microeconomic has provided some background on how economists approach the study of the allocation of resources.
5. Equilibrium is condition when supply is equals to demand.
6. Models are judged by how well they can explain economic events in the real world.
7. Ceteris paribus is assuming that all variable is constant.
8. Use of the ceteris paribus assumption does pose some difficulties for the verification of economic models from real-world data.
9. The production possibility frontier shows the different combinations of two goods that can be produced from a certain amount of scarce resources.
10. Microeconomics theory describe about aggregate economy.

1. Mr.Tarno is an employee which use personal vehicle for working. Its requisition function to gasoline the need gets to be figured deep following equation:
Q d = 10 - 0.6P + 0.003I
Where Qd constitute total amount refuels that requested while price as big as p, with outgrows proprietary money as big as I. if assumed that proprietary money Mr Tarno is as big as $55.000, therefore:

a. Get do one price apply while no gasoline which be asked for?
b. If prevailing market price is as big as $15, therefore gets if total consumed gasoline Mr.Tarno's?
c. Accord price on option b, count the elasticity of demand!
d. Account too its income elasticity!

2. Why does the economics use mathematics model? What does its purpose ?

3. Explain the criteria / that requisite model an economy is said well!

4. Word excess and lack for economic model purpose especially that gets mathematical character in troubleshooting economic!

5. One firm that don't compete to do price differentiation to its product, where is price function that variably it is as follows:
P1 = 169 – 3Q 1 , P2 = 196- 2Q 2 , meanwhile faced production cost monopolist that is TC = Q1 2 + Q 1 Q 2 + Q2 2 + 61. Of that information, determine to outgrow its price p 1 and p 2 one that has to be on the market that maximum firm profit, determine to outgrow it outgrows unrealized corporate that!

6. determine equilibrium the market if is known:
Q d. = 9 – 3P
Q s = 5P – 3
Then figures its balance condition!

7. From demand and supply function that acknowledged on number 6, if government taxes Rp5 per unit, therefore determinative outgrows equilibrium after marks sense taxes, taxes acceptance for commanding, its outgrows taxes which took on by producer, and outgrows it taxes that taken on by consumer! And figures molded condition!

8. From number problem 6 also, if government gives to subsidy as big as Rp2 per unit, equilibrium's determinative after marks sense subsidy! And figures after balance condition mark sense to subsidize!

9. Bespoke logistic determinative and offer if known by startup price one goods is as big as Rp2000 per unit, with requested goods amount is as big as 20 units, then price experiences ascension as big as Rp2250 per unit, with requested goods amount as 14 about unit!

10. CV. Padasukamania is one training and consultation service firm that have cost function in its activity management as TC = Q2 + 40 – 4Q, where q constitute activity frequency that is carried on. If price that is on the market by CV. Padasukamania on customer per meet is as big as Rp14.000.000, therefore determines average cost's function, cost is marginal, full scale revenue, average revenue, and marginal revenue this firm!
If firm production function its Q = L 0,6 K 0,4 as maximum, account a lot of labour and a lot of capital which be needed, with totaled cost that was issued by that firm is as big as 96, where does price wage per labour is as big as Rp3 and capital price per unit is as big as Rp4, computing also outgrows it output who can be resulted by that input combine!

T/F : all , if false, give the reason
essay : 1,5,6,7,8,10

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Take-Home PIE-Makro Praktikum IV

kerjakan nomor berikut :
FIB : Genap
T/F : all. kalau False, sertakan alasannya
mc : ganjil
essay : all
deadline : Kamis, 12.00 wib bagi praktikum hari senin dan selasa, kumpulkan d dalam loker Putri Rahmi


1. _______________ occurs when people are without jobs and they have actively looked for work within the past four weeks.
2. Unemployment rate is the ratio percentage in the number of unemployed with _______________.
3. Labor force is the total number of workers, including both _______________ and _______________.
4. _______________ is the normal rate of unemployment around which the unemployment rate fluctuates.
5. The deviation of unemployment from its natural rate is called _______________.
6. _______________ is individuals who would like to work but have given up looking for a job.
7. A worker association that bargains with employers over wages and working conditions is called _______________.
8. Collective bargaining is the process by which unions and _______________ agree on the terms of employment.
9. _______________ is the organized withdrawal of labor from a firm by a union.
10. _______________ above-equilibrium wages paid by firms in order to increase worker productivity.

1. The natural rate of unemployment is the rate of unemployment that exists when there is only frictional unemployment.
2. The percentage of the labor force that is unemployed is called labor-force participation rate.
3. The percentage of the adult population that is in the labor force is called unemployment rate.
4. Unemployment rate = number of unemployed × 100
Labor force
5. Labor force = number of employed + number of unemployed
6. Labor-force participation rate = labor force × 100
7. High level of frictional or structural unemployment can occur even though the overall labor market is in balance.
8. Labor force is the group of employed and unemployed people.
9. Frictional unemployment exists when the overall demand for labor is low.
10. Above-equilibrium wages paid by firms in order to decrease worker productivity is called efficiency wages.

1. Unemployment is …
a. People who perform any paid work
b. People who have jobs but are absent from work because of illness
c. People who are not employed but are actively looking for work
d. Adult population who is keeping house, too ill to work, or simply not looking for work

2. The number of unemployment divided by the total labor force …
a. Natural rate of unemployment
b. Labor force participation rate
c. Labor force
d. Unemployment rate

3. Frictional unemployment exist when …
a. Workers lack the skill necessary to be employed
b. Workers are seasonally unemployed
c. Overall demand for labor is low
d. There is a fall in aggregate demand

4. According to the theory of efficiency wages …
a. Difference in human capital strongly influence the efficiency of workers
b. Wages above the equilibrium level are paid by firm in order to increase efficiency
c. Cultural factors are the major cause of the difference pay
d. Difference wage depend on quality of the workers

5. Workers who as been disable to find a job and give up to trying for …
a. Voluntary unemployment
b. Discourage worker
c. Involuntary unemployment
d. Voluntary worker

6. The structural unemployment exist when …
a. There is a mismatch between the supply and the demand for workers
b. Workers are seasonally unemployed
c. The overall demand for labor is low
d. There is the incessant movement of people through different life cycle

7. If a union is successful in increasing the demand for labor …
a. Both the wage rate and employment fall
b. The wage rate falls and but employment rise
c. The wage rate rise and but employment fall
d. Both the wage rate and employment will rise

8. Some members of the labor force would like to work but only at higher wage rate. In the sense of that they could choose their preference …
a. Voluntary unemployment
b. Involuntary unemployment
c. Discourage workers
d. Cyclical unemployment

9. A worker association that bargains with employers over wages and working conditions.
a. Union
b. Unemployed
c. Employed
d. Input market

10. Surplus of labor equal to …
a. Employment
b. Unemployment
c. Employed
d. Unemployed

1. Explain the reason why there is always unemployment in economy!
2. What is frictional unemployment? And give the example!
3. Explain about labor union!
4. Explain about the effect of labor union existence in labor market!
5. How is the unemployment rate measured?
6. Is unemployment typically short-term or long-term? Explain!
7. How do unions affect the natural rate of unemployment?
8. Are minimum-wage laws a better explanation for unemployment among teenagers or among college graduates? Why?
9. Explain four ways in which a firm might increase its profits by raising the wages it pays!
10. Using a diagram of the labor market, show the effect of an increase in the minimum wage on the wage paid to workers, the number of workers supplied, the number of workers demanded, and the amount of unemployment!

pie-Makro praktikum 1


1. The management of society‟s resources is important because resources are _____ The _____ means that society has less to offer than people wish to have.
2. _____ means that society is getting the most it can form its scarce resources _____ means that the benefit of those resources are distributed fairly among society‟s members.
3. _____ the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker‟s time.
4. Inflation is an _____ in the overall level of prices in the economy
5. _____ a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently.
6. Another of the Ten Principle of Economics is that the cost of something is what you give up to get it. This is called the_____.
7. The first principle of economics is that _____ Use a production possibilities frontier to illustrate society‟s _____ between a clean environment and high incomes
8. _____ statements claim that attempt to prescribe how the world should be.
9. A visual model of the economy that show dollars _____ through market among household and firm is called circular-flow diagram
10. In a market for the factors of production, households act as _____ and firm act as _____.

1. Policies aimed at achieving a more equal distribution of economic well-being.some of these policies, such as the welfare system or employment insurance.
2. The opportunity cost of an item is what you give up to get that item.
3. People respond to incentives. When the price of an apple rises, for instance, people decide to eat more pears and fewer apples. Because the cost of buying an apple is higher.
4. Inflation is decrease in the overall level of prices in the economy.
5. Efficiency refers to the size of the economic pie ,and equity refers to how pie divided
6. A rational decision maker takes an action if and only if marginal benefit of the action exceeds the marginal cost.
7. Productivity is the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of worker‟s time.
8. These are examples of market failures. They are market power, externality, property right, and asymmetric information.
9. ‟‟The government should not subsidize agricultural product any more‟‟ is the positive statement.
10. Governments can sometimes Improve Market Outcomes.

1. The property of distributing economic prosperity fairly among the member s of society……
a. equity
b. efficiency
c. opportunity cost
d. marginal cost
2. The principle of Economics that states the cost of something is what you give up to get it. This is called the…
a. effectiveness
b. productivity
c. opportunity cost
d. Trade off
3. The government should raise the minimum wage ……
a. positive statements
b. normative statements
c. fiscal statement
d. monetary statements
4. Fluctuations in economic activity, such as employment and production …
a. productivity
b. circular-flow
c. market economy
d. Business cycle

5. Inflation leads to a …………… quantity produced and hiring ……workers to produce those goods and services
a. lower , more
b. higher , more
c. lower , less
d. higher , less
6. When the quantity of money …………….. the overall level of prices in economy tend to……..
a. decrease, increase
b. decrease, decrease
c. increase, decrease
d. increase, increase
7. Which one is the positive statement from these statement below
a. The federal reserve should reduce the rate of growth of money
b. Society ought to require welfare recipients to look for jobs.
c. A reduction in the rate of growth of money will reduce in the rate of inflation
d. The nation should trade their commodities to other nation.
8. Households and firms interact into two types of markets, there are…….
a. market for commodity
b. market for capital
c. market for factor of production
d. market for the money
9. The impact of one person‟s action on the wellbeing of a bystander is called….
a. Market failure
b. Externality
c. market power
d. Property Right
10. An increase in the overall level of prices in the economy is called….
a. inflation
b. deflation
c. revaluation
d. devaluation

1. List and briefly explain the four principles of individual decision making!
2. What is Philips curve? Explain and draw it!
3. What are ‟‟efficiency‟‟ and „‟equity‟‟ and what do they have to do with government policy?
4. What are differences between positive and normative statement? can you explain about it!
5. What does the „‟invisible hand „‟ of the market place do?
6. List and briefly explain the three principles of the economy as a whole works!
7. Can you explain about positive statement and normative statement from these statements below!
a. The government should increase the minimum wage
b. The nation should trade their commodities to other nations
c. International trade makes better off every nation whose involve in
d. The government should not involve in economic activity to reach efficiency.
8. Graph and explain the circular flow diagram!
9. Explain the definition of inflation, and what causes it?
10. Give explanation for every point show in the graph below! Is it possible to produce efficiently in every point in PPF curve.

bagi yang susulan, kerjakan semua soal di atas.