Matching Question :
1. F
2. K
3. G
4. A
5. H
6. L
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. I
True or False :
1. F
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. F
7. F
8. T
9. F
10. T
Multiple Choice
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. A
1. Law of demand:
negative relationship between price and quantity demanded. When the price falls, quantity demanded will increase, at ceteris paribus, and vice versa.
Law of supply:
Positive relationship between price and quantity supplied.
When price falls quantity supplied will decrease, at ceteris paribus, vice versa.
2. Input Market
market sell resources to be used for the production process.
e.x : Steel, Plastice Ore, Iron Ore, etc.
Output Market
market where goods and services exchanged.
e.x : Cars Market.
3. Lihat di buku gambar yang jelasnya, dan penjelasannya.
4. a. Normal goods
Goods which demand tends to increase as income increases. Example : luxurious
b. Inferior goods
goods that demand tends to fall as income increases.
c. Substitutes Goods
items can be interchangeable, when a single price rises, demand for other goods
will rise.
d. Complementary Goods
a decline in goods prices causes an increase in demand for other goods.
5.demand curve has a negative slope due to the demand made by the buyer.buyers will
buy more goods if the goods are much cheaper price. so the price and quantity in
demand has a negative relationship. (mathematical explanation)
supply curve has a positive slope because that its offering is a Producer, so the
Producer will sell more goods when the price increased to greater profits.
6. Equilibrium is a condition where the amount of goods demanded equals the quantity
of goods offered. Equilibrium occurs when Qd=Qs
7. equilibrium :
QDx = QSx
8000-1000p = -4000 + 2000 p
12.000 = 3000p
P = $4
Q = 8000-1000p
Q = 8000-1000 ($4)
Q = 8000-4000
Q = 4000
Jadi Pe (equilibrium) = $4
dan Qe (Equilibrium) = 4000
dan titik keseimbangan terletak di Qe ; Pe (4000 ; $4)
QDx = QSx
8000-1000p = -4000 + 2000 p
12.000 = 3000p
P = $4
Q = 8000-1000p
Q = 8000-1000 ($4)
Q = 8000-4000
Q = 4000
Jadi Pe (equilibrium) = $4
dan Qe (Equilibrium) = 4000
dan titik keseimbangan terletak di Qe ; Pe (4000 ; $4)
gambarnya :



10. mencari elastisitas dengan menggunakan rumus mid point.
lihat rumusnya di case n fair halaman 117
dan di kerjakan, hasilnya akan saya bahas di kelas.
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